a *nasty* disabled woman visits Arlon
Photography is an immediate answer to a perpetual questioning. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
laurent 'cosmic' henneaux | smilecollector.photos | #smlcol [photographer] Lilia Benchabane [artist(s)]
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Friday, 29 November 2024
do we talk about it?
I have to admit that I thought Lilia Benchabane was incredibly funny and, yes, super pretty... well, in real life, she's the same to the power of ten thousand. Her show is tinged with caustic soda humour, and when I say 'tinged', the word is pretty weak when we're talking about the most famous albatross (or albino, I don't know) in French stand-up... #performer #actor #artist #arelerland #provincedeluxembourg #provlux
& by laurent 'cosmic' henneaux
smile collector